We are pleased to inform you that the Inter-Asean Institute of Education in collaboration with the Partners for Change Thailand OFW will conduct a simultaneous review for the General Education, Professional Education, Major Subjects and the Final Coaching in preparation for the up-coming BLEPT in Bangkok on September 24, 2017. The following are the venues of the BLEPT review in Thailand:

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 Hatyai
 Bangkok
 Pattaya
 Chiangmai
 Ubon Ratchatani

Considering the operational cost, we need at least 30 reviewees per center to open the class as the reviewers are traveling in rotating schedule from Bangkok to the provinces. All interested reviewees should confirm their registration on the dates on the poster below enabling us to determine the indicative number of participants as necessary in our preparations and budgeting. Below is the registration procedure:
1. Transfer your General Education registration fee to the Partners for Change joint account.
2. Send the transaction slip e-copy to the Partners for Change treasurer through messenger.
3. No acceptance of registration fee during the review.
4. Present the bank transaction slip to the reviewer assistant on the first day of the review center.
5. All reviewees will receive a certificate of participation in the intensive professional development program that they may use for the renewal of their teacher’s license and work permit.

To know further about the general education review, please contact Mr. Donjie M. Bardos at 0945760955 and about the Professional Education, Major subjects, and Final Coaching, please contact Dr. Edgar B. Eleguen at 0831337105.

Thank you very much

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