Working Permit Application (Company)
1. Certificate of your employment position, issued by the Institute;
2. Certificate of your employment
3. Company Business License example: Factory, Restaurant, Hotel, etc.
4. Copies of your TOR and DIPLOMA
5. Copy of passport and all pages with visa stamps
6. Form Phor Por 01
6.1 In case of foreign employer: a copy of employer’s work permit is needed.
6.2 If the employer is not working in Thailand nor has no work permit:
6.3 Power of Attorney certified by Notary Public and Thai Embassy is needed.
7. List of foreign employees working at the InstitutE
8. NON-Immigrant Visa
9. Passport with not less than 6 months validity
10. Photo / Picture 2 pcs (passport size with white or blue background)
11. Recent shareholders’ list. (Updated within 6 months).
12. Social Security Payment (1 month)
13. Thai Company Registration
14. Thai language employment contract
15. VAT payment phorpor 30 (1-3 months)
16. VAT Registration
17. WP.2 form